Get to NoFo to Avoid Major FoMo

Get to NoFo to Avoid Major FoMo

It might have been worth the drive alone to show my Connecticut born husband, kids and friends that Long Island is more than just strip malls and department stores. But, as it turned out, a long summer weekend on the North Fork of LI is magical. A few nights in and we were looking at real estate listings and hatching a plan to buy a second home in day. I came back to CT proud of my home island and nostalgic for my days as a Long Islander.

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Everything is HOT in Austin!

Everything is HOT in Austin!

We spent Memorial Day this year in Austin, TX. It’s no secret that Austin is HOT - in every sense of the word.

Average highs in late May for Austin teeter around 88°. During our trip, it was consistently 95-98°. It was HOT. But Texas is no stranger to heat, so there is ample shade in most places and locals know how best to stay comfortable. Car seats in Austin often come with seat coolers - this Northeasterner didn’t even know that was a “thing.” Due to the extreme heat, we didn’t do as much exploring as we otherwise would have, but our long weekend was still tons of fun.

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